Все исполнители - Текст: I Fought the Law

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Текст песни I Fought the Law

Drinkin' beer in the hot sun
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
I needed sex and I got mine
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won

The law don't mean shit
If you've got the right friends
That's how this country's run
Twinkies are the best friend I've ever had
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won

I blew George & Harvey's
Brains out with my six-gun
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
Gonna write my book and make a million
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won

I'm the new folk hero of the Ku-Klux-Klan
My cop friends think that's fine
You can get away with murder
If you've got a badge
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
I fought the law and I won
I am the law so I won

Просмотров: 418 раз людьми и 438 раз поисковыми ботами.

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