Все исполнители - Текст: Angel Face

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Текст песни Angel Face

Countries, that know only the springtime
And your green fields, with your scentin' of hay
Know Ringo, with his angel face
And a woman, who was waitin' for his return

Cross the canyons he laughed
Down the valley the death
And he left behind a river of blood
For his life was guided
By a crude law
He only had a mind to get gold

Rivers, you know how is the story
And his laughin' was a presage of death
Ringo had an angel face
But whenever Ringo laughed, Ringo fired
Ringo had an angel face
But whenever Ringo laughed, Ringo fired

Просмотров: 408 раз людьми и 436 раз поисковыми ботами.

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