Все исполнители - Текст: I can't see your face in my mind

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Текст песни I can't see your face in my mind

I cant see your face in my mind
I cant see your face in my mind
Carnival dogs
Consume the lines
Cant see your face in my mind
Dont you cry
Baby, please dont cry
And dont look at me
With your eyes
I cant seem to find the right lie
I cant seem to find the right lie
Insanity`s horse
Adorns the sky
Cant seem to find the right lie
Carnival dogs
Consume the lines
Cant see your face in my mind
Dont you cry
Baby, please dont cry
I wont need your picture
Until we say goodbye

Просмотров: 491 раз людьми и 804 раза поисковыми ботами.

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