Все исполнители - Текст: Oh no

У нас присутствуют следующие исполнения::

Текст песни Oh no

Sometimes when facing common trouble 
When whole town is screwed 
We become actually human 
Act like Prometheus would 
Suddenly there is more humor 
And a party tabor style 
People ringing one another 
"Yo man, how was your blackout?" 
Suddenly there is more music 
Made with buckets in the park 
Girls are dancing with the flashlights 
I got only one guitar 
And you see brothers and sisters 
All engaged in sport of help 
Making merry out of nothing 
Like in refugee camp 

Oh yeah, oh no, it doesn't have to be so 
It is possible anytime, anywhere 
Even without any dough 
Oh yeah, oh no, it doesn't have to be so 
Forces of the creative mind are unstoppable! 

And you think, all right, now people 
They have finally woked up 
But as soon as trouble over 
Watch them take another nap 
Now nobody is making merry 
Only trotting scared of boss 
Everybody's making hurry 
For some old forgotten cause 
But one thing is surely eternal 
It's condition of a man 
Who don't know where he is going 
Who don't know where does he stand 
Whose dream power is a bottle 
Put away in dry dark place 
Whose youth power is well buried 
Under propaganda waves 
Whose dream life in opposition 
With the life he leads today 
Who's beaten down in believing 
It just kinda goes this way! 

Oh yeah, oh no, it doesn't have to be so 
Forces of the creative mind are unstoppable!

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